Envikens FVOF


Tängerströmmen, Lambornsån, Balungen mfl

  Dalarnas län / Falun municipality.

In Enviken's fishing area there are several streams of water with trout and harr, eg. Tängerströmmen , Lambornsån and Marnäsån . Biggest lake is Balungen with perch, pike, whitefish and trout.

In addition, there are a number of ponds where rainbow is planted out. Varied range of fishing opportunities.
Cancer fishing is not included in our fishing license.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 13.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Envikens FVOF

We manage all joint fishing in Enviken, but not crayfish fishing.

Organization number: 883202-4858

Customer number: 981, Area: 936.

Contact persons

Anders Sundgren
0706 - 48 84 69


Fishing areas nearby Envikens FVOF

Liljan, Skommartjärnen, Jävan, Svedstjärnen
Borgärdesströmmen, Aven samt delar av Seckan.
Tansen, Grycken, Varpan, Tisken mfl
Bjursås-Leksands FVOF

Affiliated fishing areas in Dalarnas län
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