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Lilla Le FVOF

Lilla Le, Timmertjärn

Lilla Lee is a dead ice lake with no natural outlet, with steep shores and plenty of food depth of view. The lake is located at 133 m .a .s .l. and 33 .1 m above Lake Stora Le. The deepest parts of the lake provides conditions for char. …

Kommunfiskekort Dals-Ed

Kommunfiskekort Dals-Ed

Fish in a number of Dals-Ed municipality's lakes with the municipal fishing card ! Dals-Ed's municipal fishing license covers 15 fishery management areas. The fishing license is valid for an entire family. Rules for each lake also apply to the municipal card. Little Lee/Timmertjärn Neighbor's FVOF Gravdalsjön FVOF Norra …
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