Västernorrlands län.
  • Högsjö Sportfiskeförening
  • Helgum-Gådeåns FVOF
  • Graninge FVO
  • Mjällåns FVO

Västernorrland County is located in the eastern part of central Norrland. To the surface is Västernorrland Sweden's sixth largest county and the residential town is Härnösand. Nature offers variety with a coastal landscape to the east and a forest and mountain landscape to the west. You will find a wealth of different fishing waters in western Norway, such as rivers, lakes, rivers and seas. There are very good conditions for various types of sports and leisure fishing, ranging from fishing along the coast to lakes and waterways from south to north. Herring, salmon, harr, perch and pike are some of the species found in the waters.

Affiliated fishing areas in Härnösand kommun

  Graninge FVO
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Graninge FVO.

  Helgum-Gådeåns FVOF
  Högsjö Sportfiskeförening
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Högsjö Sportfiskeförening.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Mjällåns FVO
Yep, We sell permits for this area!We don't sell permits in this area

Catch reports

The most recent catch reports Härnösand kommun 

Fishing guides in Härnösand kommun

 Here you will find Guides and Instructors operating in the swedish area of Härnösand kommun. Many of these guides also work as freelance guides in other parts of the country and the world.
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