Gävleborgs län.
  • Storsand
  • Mo FVOF

Gävleborg County is divided between Gästrikland and Hälsingland. The country offers a wide variety of fishing opportunities. There are about 300 miles of flowing water, over 3000 lakes and about 18 miles of coastline. The biggest waterfalls are Ljusnan and Dalälven. There is really something for everyone. The nature is of a Norwegian character and is dominated by forest landscapes and mountainous landscapes. In Gävleborg you can fish for all kinds of fish, and not only does it have a good stock of Öring, Harr and Röding.

Affiliated fishing areas in Söderhamn kommun

  Tönnånger-Älgnäs FVO
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Catch reports

The most recent catch reports Söderhamn kommun 

Fishing guides in Söderhamn kommun

 Here you will find Guides and Instructors operating in the swedish area of Söderhamn kommun. Many of these guides also work as freelance guides in other parts of the country and the world.
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