Säveåns Övre FVOF


Säveåns Övre

  Västra Götalands län / Lerum municipality.

Fishing is open, but may close soon as water temperatures rise quickly in the heat.

The fishing route is from the power plant in Floda center to the power plant in Hedefors. See map for fly fishing distance or spin fishing – fly fishing route.

Fishing in the area indicated below is not permitted:
From the north side of the river from Tullängsbron to a point about 150m downstream of Hillefors bridge.
From bridges or spans
From plot of land.
From the factory area of Hillefors mill and a stretch from Hillefors bridge to the outlet of the power plant dam 100 m downstream of the bridge.
Cultivated land or a fenced area may not be entered.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 13.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)
 Up to 13 years of age, you can fish for free in the company of an adult who has a fishing license. Youth cards are valid for 14-18 year olds.

Fish species







Säveåns Övre FVOF

Säveån is one of southern Sweden's most interesting fishing waters. On the stretch between Hedefors and Floda, i.e. within the fisheries management area, there is a genuine stationary trout population.
The fishing areas are for the most part within the Säveån nature reserve.
Floda and Stenkullen's sport fishing associations are sponsors of the fisheries management section and carry out supervision and fisheries management together with the fisheries management area
Säveån's Upper Fishing Area Association.

Organization number: 863500-6268

Customer number: 680, Area: 640.

Contact persons

Roland Eriksson

0706 - 93 10 36


Fishing areas nearby Säveåns Övre FVOF

Lerums Strömfiske
Vällsjön (Lerum)
Lerums Sportfiske&Fiskevårdsförening Medlemskap
Uspen, Lensjön

Affiliated fishing areas in Västra Götalands län
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