Stora och Lilla Högs FVOF


Nordsjön, Taksjön m fl tjärnar

  Värmlands län / Eda municipality.

Several typical small ponds with wetlands all around, where you have to walk through the forest to reach. Some lakes, ex. The calf pond, has a private path with boom, which is easy to walk. The North Sea is more easily accessible, even by car only forward. Some ponds have partly rocky bottom and beach.

Available fish are pike, perch, white fish, such as roach, bream and birch.

Old bridges may exist, but are planned to be refurbished.

All waters within the fishery area: Delta lake, Mörttjärnet, Örkyttjärnet, Klättjärnet , part of Älgtjärnet , Totjärnet , L: a Älgtjärnet, North Sea, Taksjön, Kalvtjärnet.

Fish species







Stora och Lilla Högs FVOF

The association was formed in 1989-90, and its task is to promote fishing in the countryside, and to care for the fishing waters within the association. Now we are trying in the best way, also to promote coexistence in the countryside, for example through meetings and "family days".

Organization number: 802600-2470

Customer number: 1154, Area: 1115.

Contact persons

Stefan Högberg
076 - 132 85 37

Tomas Nilsson
070 - 695 56 01


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Invasiva arter information

Fishing areas nearby Stora och Lilla Högs FVOF

Bysjön (Värmland)
Vrångsälven m fl tjärnar
Eda Fiskevårdskrets gemensamma fiskekort
Fjällsjön, Öjenässjön mfl
Hugn, Kölaälven, Vrångsälvens mynning, Mörttjärnet

Affiliated fishing areas in Värmlands län
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