Tänndalssjön-Östersjöns FVOF

  • Tännån
  • Tänndalssjön

Tänndalssjön, Östersjön samt Tännån

  Jämtlands län / Härjedalen municipality.

The fly fishing routes open on June 1, the sale of fishing licenses opens on May 1 at 08:00. Limited number of cards.

In the waters there are species of trout, char, grayling and lake as well as minnow. The mentioned species occur naturally and the wild stock of both trout, char, grayling and lake reproduces well in the area. In addition to this, trout and char are sometimes planted to compensate for high fishing pressure.

The area is suitable for families with children, beginners and the more experienced fisherman looking for a challenge.

Rent a boat in one of the lakes, go for land and spin fishing or sneak after large trout in Tännån with a dry fly. Just be careful, there are a lot of beavers in the area and their holes in the ground are often hard to see in the willow thickets.

For more information contact Elias Nygren 076 - 314 96 25.

You book boats via ifiske.se or at Hamra Livs in Tänndalen

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species







Tänndalssjön-Östersjöns FVOF

Tänndalsjön-Böstersjön FVOF manages the fishing in Tänndalsjön, the Baltic Sea and parts of Tännån in Tänndalen. The association provides boats in the lakes for rent.

The fly fishing routes open on June 1, the sale of fishing licenses opens on May 1 at 08:00. Limited number of cards.

Observed mink or cormorant near the waters, please report directly to Elias 0763149625 elias@joti.se

Organization number: 893202-0640

Customer number: 769, Area: 729.

Contact persons

Elias Nygren
0763 - 14 96 25



Fishing areas nearby Tänndalssjön-Östersjöns FVOF

Ljusnan, Månserstjärnen, Messmörtjärn m fl vatten
Funäsfjällen (Fiskepasset)
Funäsdalens FVOF
Ljusnedals Kortfiskeområde
Tännäs - Funäsdalens Fiskeområde

Affiliated fishing areas in Jämtlands län
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