Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Suseån (800 kr/item)

 Fiske endast tillåtet mellan 1 maj - 31 augusti, förutom gästkortet som tillåter fiske från 1 april varje år.
ID: 3160

Säsongkort / Falkenbergs sportfiskeklubb

Issued by Falkenbergs sportfiskeklubb in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid 1/May 00:00 to 31/August 23:59   
Price: 800 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:

 1 May 2024, 00:00

 (Todays date: 4 May 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
SMS notification?

The card fishing is valid 1/4 - 30/8 for all cards.

2 salmonid fish may be kept but with a minimum length of 45 cm.

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