Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Djupsjön, Öravattnet, Selångerån m.fl vatten (20 kr/item)

 Vägbeskrivning till Öravattnet - kör väg 86 till Kovland. Sväng av mot Ånäsparken/ishallen. Efter ca 200 m sväng vänster mot Norrbäcken (skylt). När du kommer till Norrbäcken, skylt Här slutar allmän väg, håll till vänster. Efter några kilometer är du framme.

Vägbeskrivning till Djupsjön - kör väg 86 till Kovland och korsningen med väg 320 mot Kälarne. Kör väg 320 västerut ca 10 km så kommer du till Högalund. Efter ytterligare ca en kilometer ska du svänga till höger på liten skogsbilväg. Avfarten och skylten är lite svår att upptäcka om du kör fort. Fortsätt skogsbilvägen några kilometer så är du framm vid sjön.


 Every day, around the clock.
Young people under the age of 18 fish free of charge.
ID: 6286

Dagkort Övriga sjöar / Sundsvalls Sportfiskeklubb

Issued by Sundsvalls Sportfiskeklubb in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid to the end of the day (At 23:59)   
Price: 20 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Select a start date:

 (Todays date: 15 May 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

FISHING RULES from and including 2023-01-01

In general, for ALL of our waters, the following applies:

Permitted fishing methods: fly, spin, angling and pimp.

When angling and pimping, maggot, worm and shrimp are allowed in the club's leased waters.

All other bait is prohibited.

Fishing is permitted with only 1 rod per person - fishing must be done with a rod carried from hand. Fishing gear that is rigged and left is confiscated and reported to the police with the support of the Fishing Act (illegal fishing). Fishing with nets, lures, and fixed gear/ latmete is prohibited.

All our waters except Sidsjön require a fishing license or membership card/fishing license.

In Lake Djupsjön and Öravattnet, children/young people up to 15 years of age fish on the guardian's/adult's fishing license and quota (3 fish together). Young people under the age of 15 unaccompanied by an adult must consequently buy their own fishing license in these lakes. On other waters, young people under the age of 18 fish without a fee/fishing license.

You buy a fishing license at iFiske. Inspection fee applies (introduced 2022-07-01).

Deep Lake

Fishing ban from 1 October to 18 November or the later date determined by the ice condition. Number of fish see the fishing card

Winter fishing is conducted on Saturdays and Sundays from 08:00 to 16:00. Any extended opening hours, for example during school holidays and long weekends, will be announced on the website and Facebook.

Summer fishing every day from 06:00 to 24:00 when there is open water and until the fall ban.

Fishing from boats, canoes and floats is prohibited.

The earwax

Number of fish see the fishing card

Winter and summer fishing every day 06:00 - 24:00.

Fishing from boats, canoes and floats is prohibited.

Sidsjön (Free fishing)

You may catch a maximum of 3 salmon-type fish per day.

Fishing from boats, canoes and floats is prohibited.

Crab fishing prohibited.

Selängerfjärden (selänger lake) (Free fishing up to the inlet)

Free fishing in Selångerån and up to the inlet of the bay..

You may catch a maximum of 3 salmon-type fish per day.

Fishing from boats and canoes prohibited.

Fishing from a fishing kayak and floating ring is permitted (from September 2022 and until then) only applies to Selångerfjärden.


You may catch a maximum of 3 salmon-type fish per day.

Fishing from boats, canoes and floats is prohibited.

Fishing ban from 15 September to 31 October.

Other waters (defined on our website, our waters, map 17)

Fishing from boats, canoes and floats is permitted.

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