Enter details for your membership (400 kr/item)

 Medlem i Klippans Sport- och Fiskevårdsförening kan den bli som är folkbokförd i Klippans kommun.

Brott mot klubbens stadgar eller fiskeregler leder till uteslutning. Inga inbetalda medlemsavgifter återbetalas.

Medlemskapen gäller per kalenderår

Vi erbjuder idag sex olika nivåer för medlemsskap i KSFF:

  • Junior åarna 100 kr/år
  • Junior inkl Lilla Hålsjön 300 kr/år
  • Senior åarna 350 kr/år
  • Senior inkl Lilla Hålsjön 850 kr/år
  • Familj åarna 400 kr/år
  • Familj inkl Lilla Hålsjön 1100 kr/år

För mer info se reglerna på respektive medlemsskap


Som medlem har du rätt att delta vid klubbens årsmöte och höstmöte.

KSFFs ungdomssektion och seniorerna har under höst- och vårterminerna träffar i vår klubblokal på Åbygatan 3A. Ungdomarna träffas på tisdagar och seniorerna på torsdagar.
På dessa träffar hjälps vi åt att sprida kunskapen om sportfiske. Vi binder flugor, gjuter beten och annat kul. Det dras också en massa fiskehistorier. Den ena mindre sann än den andra... 

Som medlem har du även tillgång till våra medlemsvatten, utbytesvatten och chans att följa med på våra medlemsaktiviteter 

 Spouse/partner and children up to and including the year they turn 14 living in the same household.
ID: 6358

Medlemskap Familj Åarna / Klippans SFF

Issued by Klippans SFF in cooperation with iFiske.se
Membership #1:Validity: Valid to the end of the year (31 Dec at 23:59)   
Price: 400 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:
 Right now! (2024-05-03 04:59)
 (Todays date: 3 May 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
 Enter your family with first and last name and age of children
Street adress:
Membership number
Supply this ONLY if you have a membership number in the club
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

A member of Klippan's Sports and Fisheries Association can become one who is registered in Klippan's municipality.

Violation of the club's bylaws or fishing rules will result in exclusion. No paid membership fees will be refunded.

Spouse/partner and children up to and including the year they turn 14 living in the same household.

You are considered a junior up to and including the year you turn 18.

The membership card is personal and must be shown on request together with valid identification.

Bäljane å and Rönne å

Permitted fishing gear and catching methods
1. Angling
2. Spin fishing
3. Fly fishing

- a maximum of 2 salmonid fish may be kept per fishing day
– all spawning salmon are re-released (regardless of the season)
- all salmon will be released again from 1 September
– only one hook (1-, 2- or 3-hook) per bait
- grappling hook must not be used

Minimum size allowed
Fishermen should respect the ban on keeping fish shorter than:
Pike – 40cm
Salmon – 50cm
Trout – 45cm
Eel - Total fishing ban!

It is forbidden to fish on the embankments of the power plants and 200 meters downstream of the hydropower plants!

Membership cards for Rönne Å and Bäljane Å are NOT valid for fishing in Lilla Hålsjön (Trollsjön).

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