Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Bellvik, Rörström (300 kr/item)

 Fiskeförbud råder i sjösystemets strömmande vatten 10 Maj - 10 Juni ( harrleken ),

Nätförbudet gäller från: 1 september t.o.m. 15 oktober (öringsleken).

Fiskeförbud i Rojkatjärn råder  2 veckor efter utsättning, ( aviseras separat ).

 Minimimått: Minsta tillåtna längd för att avliva en laxartad  fisk är 35 cm. Längden mäts från huvudets nos till stjärtfenans yttersta ände. För fisk som fångas i bäckar, (bäcköring)  är minimimåttet 20 cm.

               Övriga restriktioner:

  Gädda med längd över 75 cm släpps tillbaka i sjön.

   Attraktiv abborre med vikt över 1 kg släpps också tillbaka.

ID: 2307

Year card / Bellvik-Rörströms FVOF

Issued by Bellvik-Rörströms FVOF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid to the end of the year (31 Dec at 23:59)   
Price: 300 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:
 Right now! (2024-05-11 02:15)
 (Todays date: 11 May 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
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 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

It is permitted to keep and kill up to 3 salmon-type fish (trout, grayling) per person per day. Pike over 75 cm in length are released again. Perch over 1 kg are released again.
The minimum permitted length for killing trout and grayling is 35 cm. The length is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail fin. For fish caught in streams (brook trout) the minimum size is 20 cm.
Fishing is prohibited in the flowing waters of the lake system between 10th May and 10th June (grey spawning) and 1st Sept and 30th Sept (trout spawning)

Net fishing allowed only for fishing right owners.

In Rojkatjärn - put and take fishing (Max 3 noble fish). Special fishing card - day card SEK 100 Easily available. Grill hot. About 500 meters from the intersection 45 and exit towards Bellvik.

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