Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Övre Gla/Buvattnet, Grännsjön mfl (100 kr/item)



Av laxöring, sik, ål, lake och gädda max 3 fiskar, minst 30 cm, /person och dygn. Fiske i rinnande vatten är förbjudet. Fiskekortet ger rätt att fiska med flugspö, kastspö, pimpel och metspö.

Vid fiske från båt, max 3 beten/båt samtidigt. Barn och ungdom under 16 år får fiska utan fiskekort. 

Fiske med fasta redskap såsom nät, ryssjor, mjärdar, långrev och liknande är förbjudet. Återutsättning av oskadad fisk kan med fördel rekommenderas.

 valid until 24.00
ID: 1049

Day permit / Övre Gla FVOF

Issued by Övre Gla FVOF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid to the end of the day (At 23:59)   
Price: 100 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Select a start date:

 (Todays date: 21 Sep 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
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 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

Fishing license is personal and may not be transferred
Of salmon, trout, char, whitefish, eel, lake and pike max. 3 fish, at least 30 cm, /person and day.
Fishing in running water is prohibited.
The fishing license entitles you to fish with a fly rod, casting rod, pipe rod and fishing rod.
When fishing from a boat, maximum 3 baits/boat at the same time.
Children and young people under the age of 16 may fish without a fishing license.
Fishing with fixed gear such as nets, lures, nets, long lines and the like is prohibited.
Reintroduction of undamaged fish can be recommended.

We apply an inspection fee of SEK 500.
As well as the right to confiscate equipment if the fishing license is not valid.

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