Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Lilla Hålsjön (Trollsjön) (140 kr/item)

 Bra att känna till
  • Fiske är tillåtet mellan klockan 06:00 och 22:00
  • All sorts mete är förbjudet. Plastkula, bombarda eller annat kastflöte får inte heller användas
  • Det finns flertalet bryggor i sjön att fiska ifrån.
    Var rädd om dig - bryggorna beträdes på eget ansvar!
    Visa hänsyn till andra fiskare genom att rotera mellan bryggorna. Gå EJ på den privata bryggan och marken.
  • Grillplats finns iordningsställd vid vindskyddet. Det är inte tillåtet att göra upp eld i naturen eller vid bryggorna.
  • Mer info:
 Day pass in Lilla Hålsjön (Trollsjön) - Youth until the year you turn 18.
Max 1 salmon type fish per card.
Fishing between 06.00-22.00.
Allowed to redeem more than one card per day. C&R is not allowed.
The fishing license is personal and must be shown on request together with valid identification.
Bring identification or passport. A well-taken photo on the ID/passport is also accepted if a parent or other adult is not present and can testify.

ID: 4251

Dagkort - Ungdom Lilla Hålsjön (Trollsjön) / Klippans SFF

Issued by Klippans SFF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid to the end of the day (At 23:59)   
Price: 140 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Select a start date:

 (Todays date: 28 Apr 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
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 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

Day pass Lilla Hålsjön (Trollsjön) - Youth up to 18 years

  • Fishing is allowed between 06:00 and 22:00
  • Only fly/spin fishing with one (1) rod and one (1) hook is permitted.
  • Fishing license must be shown on request together with identification.
  • A maximum of 1 salmon type fish may be caught. After that, fishing must end. Reintroduction of caught fish (catch & release) is not permitted. However, it is permitted to buy more than one day pass.
  • All kinds of angling are prohibited. Plastic balls, bombs or other throwing floats may not be used either.
  • Natural baits such as worms, shrimp, maggots and corn may not be used, nor artificial baits such as powerbait. Mashing must not take place.
  • Fishing for grass carp must of course not occur. But if one is accidentally hooked, it must be carefully unhooked in the water.
  • In ice fishing, natural and artificial baits may be used for pimp fishing. A maximum of one (1) rod and one (1) hook is permitted. Ice fishing with angelfish must NOT occur. All ice fishing is done at your own risk.
  • Boats, canoes, flotation rings or waders/boots may NOT be used.
  • There are several jetties in the lake to fish from. Take care - the piers are entered at your own risk! Be considerate of other anglers by rotating between docks. DO NOT walk on the private dock and grounds.
  • It is not permitted to spend the night at the lake. Camping is at Hjälmsjö just outside Örkelljunga.
  • From 1/1-2024 you can buy a maximum of two day passes per person per day
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