Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Kvistforsens (150 kr/item)

 Annual card calendar year for local population Kvistforsen fvo.
 Including family registered at the same address
ID: 5667

Årskort Fiskerättsägarbevis / Kvistforsens FVOF

Issued by Kvistforsens FVOF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid to the end of the year (31 Dec at 23:59)   
Price: 150 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:
 Right now! (2024-09-21 02:59)
 (Todays date: 21 Sep 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

Fishing is free for children/youth up to 18 years of age.
However, identification must be presented.
Identification must always be carried in order to be presented.

The fishing license is valid for ice fishing, casting rod, flug rod, and fishing rod.
Fishing may take place from land as well as fishing from a boat.
However, boats may not be used in planted waters.
Only ONE fishing rod / person may be fished with at a time.
You may not, for example, lay out three measuring sticks at the same time.
No fixed gear or nets are allowed.
Catch Limits:
Minimum dimensions according to the County Administrative Board in Västerbotten.
Grayling 35 cm
Length 40 cm

ATTENTION! A BOAT carried along MUST be thoroughly washed and disinfected before lowering.
Contact someone from Kvistforsen's FVO for approval.
This is due to the risk of crayfish infection.
Only fly fishing is allowed in the old river channel. Caught fish MUST be released.
A free boat is available to borrow for those who have purchased a fishing license.
Contact Sören Larsson in Grubban 0910-770480 Or Ulf Långström in Gråberg 0910-588030
Restock fish you don't need.
Do not handle the fish with dry hands.
If possible, leave the fish in the water when you release the hook.
Protect nature. Keep clean and take litter home with you.
Do you see something that needs to be fixed?
Contact someone on the board at Kvistforsen's FVO.
Control fees. (§31 Law 1981:533) (The Act on Fisheries Management Areas)
These amounts have been determined by the fisheries management area's general meeting.
The inspection fee is issued directly by the fisheries inspector.
In case of non-payment, the matter goes to the bailiff for collection.
The maximum amount for the control fee is 1/10 of the base amount, which currently means SEK 4,400.
- Sale of fish from the area = SEK 4400
- Illegal fishing with bulk-catching gear = SEK 4,400
- Fishing obviously other than one's own household needs, repeated overfishing. = SEK 2,200
- Catching a protected species or fishing during the protection period = SEK 1100
- Bag limit violations = SEK 1100
- Violations of minimum/maximum dimensions = SEK 550

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