Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Grånssjön (karpfiske) (240 kr/item)

 För att fiska karp i Grånssjön krävs ett speciellt karpfiskekort som är belagt med särskilda fiskeregler.



ID: 1369

Veckokort (Grånssjön) / Gagnef-Mockfjärds FVOF

Issued by Gagnef-Mockfjärds FVOF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid for 7 days   
Price: 240 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:

 (Todays date: 21 Sep 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.


  1. Carp fishing may be conducted against the issue of a special carp fishing license. Ordinary fishing license in Gagnef-Mockfjärds Fvo thus does not apply to carp fishing in Grånssjön.
    Exception: Location card holders can fish for carp the first day for free, after which the same prices apply as for others.
    Members of Grånskarp fish for free the first day just like place card holders.
    All fishing licenses must be booked so we know when you started your fishing.
  2. The carp fishing license can be redeemed as a daily card, weekly card or annual card.
    Day pass: SEK 60 (pre-mashing without fishing 3 days before included)
    Weekly card: SEK 200 (pre-mashing without fishing 3 days before included)
    Annual card: SEK 500
  3. Children under the age of 16 fish for free in the company of a parent if the parent has a loose carp fishing license.
  4. Fishing may be conducted with 3 rods per person. Net or longline fishing is prohibited in Grånssjön, violation involves immediate confiscation of fishing gear and police report.
  5. Rods should be placed so that they do not disturb fishermen next door, so keep a reasonable distance to your fishing neighbor for everyone's well-being. Common sense prevails.
  6. In so-called stalking or stealth fishing for carp, only one rod may be used
  7. Fly fishing for carp is of course also allowed.
  8. Mashing and pre-mashing allowed.
  9. All carp (and also roach over 100 g) must be re-released regardless of the condition of the fish, if the fish is seriously injured it must in any case be re-released. If possible, it is estimated that documentation such as photography or contact with a representative of the carp fishing manager about the condition of the fish in connection with the catch.
  10. Reporting of catch is a requirement, all carp must be reported to the fisheries manager via the website and the Fish Registration Form there. Alternatively by phone, text message or email. Remember that the best catch is rewarded with an annual pass the following season.
  11. Clearing of swim / fishing place not permitted unless agreement has been made with those responsible for Grånskarp or landowners.
  12. All debris and mash residues must be cleaned away after the fishing pass. Leave the place as it was when you arrived.
  13. Tenting at the fishing place / swim allowed and valid as long as the fishing license is valid. If you have an annual pass, camping applies for a maximum of one week per fishing session with a break of at least one week between the sessions. If you change fishing place / swim, a day break between passes is enough.
    Rules in connection with camping are the same as apply to the right of public access and that no damage may be done to nature in the area. Camping may only take place at a nearest distance of 15m from the lake shore or on the fishing raft on the bog.
  14. Only one tent may be placed on the fishing raft, two people can fish on the raft at the same time. All fishing on the raft is at your own risk.
  15. Firing with an open flame is not permitted. Use a trangia kitchen or gas stove as a kitchen if you want hot food and make sure that any fire outside the kitchen can be extinguished quickly. All felling of wood or clearing of any shrubbery is prohibited if there is no agreement with the landowner or fisheries manager. The natural environment must be preserved as much as possible.
  16. Toilet visits should take place at least 100m from the beach to the lake and all paperwork in connection with this should be removed from the place where the needs have been met.
  17. Disruptive behavior towards other visitors, fishermen and livestock around the lake is absolutely forbidden and leads to immediate closure and is punished in the same way as poaching.

Any violation of these rules will be prosecuted.
Grånskarp - Carp fishing in Gagnef.

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