Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Lekvattnets FVO (500 kr/item)

 Varje person som fyllt16 år och ännu inte fyllt 80 år som tänker fiska måste köpa ett eget fiskekort.
I Pägertjärn fiskar barn upp till 12 år på målsmans fiskekort.
Fiskekortet är personligt och kan inte överlåtas till någon annan.

Alla dagkort och båthyra gäller endast fram till midnatt på kortets gällande datum.
Efter midnatt krävs ett nytt fiskekort / båthyra.
Årskort gäller i 1 år från inköpsdatum.
Familjekort gäller för två vuxna och ungdomar fastboende på samma adress.

 Applies to all waters in the area except Pägertjärn.
 The card is valid for 365 days from the date of purchase for two adult residents at the same address.
ID: 498

Family card Year / Lekvattnets FVOF

Issued by Lekvattnets FVOF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid for 365 days   
Price: 500 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:

 (Todays date: 21 Sep 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Family member:
 Enter the name of the family member and children over 16 years of age at home. Separate with commas.
Street adress:
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
Fishing license MUST be obtained before the start of fishing and presented upon request.Passive fishing is completely prohibited, i.e. leaving hand gear unattended.All fishing with so-called "Ståndkrok" is prohibited.Fishing from a boat, floating ring or the like in Pägertjärn is prohibited.Mashing with corn is prohibited throughout the area.Net fishing is prohibited in all our waters with the exception of the lakes of the Rottnaälven.Fishing with nets/tools, fishing and the like may only be carried out by people with a membership card.Fishing is prohibited from September 1st through November 30th to protect the Trout. This applies to the following waters: Runnsjön, Stortjärn, Liltjärn, Sniptjärn, Örtjärn, Sandsjön, Lysen and all our streams.Net fishing for Trout is prohibited, Trout caught with nets must be released regardless of condition.Trout caught in Matlöpen between September 1 and November 30 must be released regardless of condition.All illegal fishing is reported to the Police Authority.All fishing licenses are personal and cannot be transferred.Fishing is only permitted with 2 hand tools at a time, summer and winter.The minimum permitted size of Trout & Trout is 25 cm, smaller fish must be released regardless of condition.Children and young people under the age of 16 fish for free in the entire area except Pägertjärn.Children up to 12 years of age can fish on a guardian's fishing license at Pägertjärn, keep in mind the license quota of 2 goldfish/card and a maximum of 2 rods/card.Fishing from the bathing area and jetty at Pägertjärn is prohibited when bathing is in progress.Cleaning of fish at bathing areas is prohibited.It is forbidden to throw fish cleaners and other rubbish into the water.Pägertjärn: 2 noble fish may be taken / fishing must end shortly afterwards, so you may NOT continue fishing after the quota has been filled.
Please note: If anyone is caught fishing in our waters without a valid fishing license or in any other way is guilty of illegal fishing, the equipment used will be confiscated,in addition, a police report is made of the incident.If someone violates our local rules or regulations, we charge a supervisory fee of SEK 1,000,Please note that from 1 January 2023 this sum will be increased to SEK 3,500.If this is not paid after a reminder, the case is passed on to debt collection, which takes over the case.Please Note: New Rules Effective 1/1/2022:Bag limit / daily quota is introduced on Runnsjön, Stortjärn, Lilltjärn and Matlöpen. 3 noble fish/day per person may be taken up. Then the fishing must end.By precious fish is meant Trout, Trout, Rainbow.Lekvattnet's FVOF.


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