Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Ottnaren och Ältebosjön med tillrinnande vattendrag (150 kr/item)

 Förbudstider:Från islossning är trolling och vertikalfiske förbjudet t.o.m. 15/6.Från 1/5 är allt fiske Från flytande farkoster förbjudet t.o.m. 15/6.Fiske från land/brygga är dock tillåtet under denna tid. Nät/långrev: förbud under tiden 1/5 t.o.m. 30/6 samt under is. Från 1/9 får endast nät med maskstorlek om minst 50 mm användas.Kräftfiske: förbjudet hela året.
 Guest card: Can only be purchased if you have purchased a personal annual card.

Applies only to hand gear (not trolling and vertical fishing) and may be used for guests or family members.
 To buy 'Gästkort' you must at the same time buy (or already own) a valid product of the type: Årskort(500 kr). Enter the eight digit code for a valid product of the type Årskort(500 kr) that you already own, to be able to purchase 'Gästkort'. If you do not own a product of that type, just put one in the shopping cart now and buy it at the same time.
Enter the payment code:  
ID: 6594

Guest permit / Ottnarens FVOF

Issued by Ottnarens FVOF in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid for 365 days   
Price: 150 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:

 (Todays date: 27 Apr 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

To be completed shortly via email to customer service
Prohibition times: Trolling and vertical fishing are prohibited from ice break-up until 15/6.
From 1/5 all fishing from floating vessels is prohibited until 15/6.
Fishing from the shore/pier is, however, permitted during this time.
Net/long rope: prohibition during the period 1/5 to 30/6 and under ice.
From 1/9, only nets with a mesh size of at least 50 mm may be used.
Crab fishing: prohibited all year round.

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