Catch report TDA-kortet #476069

07-30  Jan-Olov Persson
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler midsize (11-20 cm)
 TDA-kortet i Stockholms skärgård, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 1 fish(es) Zander  at 0.8 kg.
 TDA-kortet i Stockholms skärgård, Mälaren m fl vatten

Vädret denna dag, 2024-07-30

Time 01:00 05:00 08:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00


Klar himmel

Klar himmel

Klar himmel

Spridda moln

Spridda moln

Spridda moln
Pressure1017 hPa1016 hPa1015 hPa1015 hPa1013 hPa1012 hPa1011 hPa1011 hPa
Wind Speed1.0 m/s0.0 m/s2.6 m/s4.1 m/s3.6 m/s4.1 m/s4.6 m/s1.5 m/s
Wind direction

V (270°)


VNV (310°)

V (280°)

SV (240°)

V (280°)

V (270°)

SV (240°)
Väderdata från OpenWeatherMap

Catch reports, TDA-kortet

08-24  Hans engblom
 Fishing method:Fyke net
 Kräftfiske i Stockholm, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • No fish
09-04  Jesper Torne
 Fishing method:Vertical Fishing
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
 TDA-kortet i Stockholms skärgård, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 7 fish(es) Zander  at a total of 6.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.86 kg.  "Got 5 little goslings and 2 slightly bigger ones, which I kept."
08-21  Ola Wasslund
 Fishing method:Fyke net
 Best lure/bait:Dead fish
 Kräftfiske i Stockholm, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 25 fish(es) Signal crayfish  at a total of 1.5 kg, Avg. Weight 0.06 kg.  "Got about 30. We have to throw some back "
08-17  Stefan Hörnstedt
 Fishing method:Fyke net
 Best lure/bait:Synthetic / Powerbait / Gulp
 Kräftfiske i Stockholm, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 18 fish(es) Signal crayfish  at a total of 1.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.06 kg.  "18 approved crayfish that we kept. put back about 10 too small. "
09-09  Felix Lindberg
 Fishing method:Fyke net
 Best lure/bait:Dead fish
 Kräftfiske i Stockholm, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 45 fish(es) Signal crayfish  at a total of 1.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.02 kg.
09-07  Joakim Sivegård
 Fishing method:Fyke net
  "Fished with 20 cages overnight, the birch holds no fishable stock of crayfish"
  TDA-kortet i Stockholms skärgård, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • No fish
09-01  Makoto Tanaka
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spinner midsize (6-12 grams)
  TDA-kortet i Stockholms skärgård, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 2 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.5 kg, Avg. Weight 0.25 kg.
08-31  Janne Lehtinen
 Fishing method:Fyke net
 Best lure/bait:Dead fish
 Kräftfiske i Stockholm, Mälaren m fl vatten
 • 55 fish(es) Signal crayfish  at a total of 3.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.05 kg.  "We got 55 (27 males and 28 females), of which 3 were "shrimps" that had to swim back. Surprisingly good size of the worst ones > 13-14 cm), which was fun to see. "

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