Smelt ("Nors") Overview

Smelt - Osmerus eperlanus L.

The smelt coming up in streams in incredible amounts of spring and is a very important food for zander, salmon and pike, among other things.


The smelt keeps stimvis together and behave, especially at spawning time in early spring, in immense shoals. It lives both on the ground in lakes in rivers.

Size and growth

Largest mass captured by only a few centimeters in length, but the larger rivers and the sea becomes up to 25 cm long

Most efficient fishing methods

Information below is based upon thousands of real catch reports from the past two years.
  1. Fly fishing (two handed) - Fly - Tub fly
  2. Fly fishing (one handed) - Fly - Våtfluga
  3. Spinning - Jig / Soft Bait (fishy)
  4. Dip net - - No bait worked -
  5. Spinning - Jig / Soft Bait (Tail / Grub)
  1. Spinning - SPOON
  2. Angling - Maize
  3. Angling - Mask
  4. Trolling - Wobbler between (11-20 cm)

Smelt, Avg. Weight (gr)

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