Welcome to an extraordinary fishing and nature experience!
Fishing can be conducted along more than 10 kilometers of beaches with alternating calm and rushing waters.
We have a fantastic nature and the Lyckåleden trail is a 6 kilometer long hiking trail from the mouth to Lyckeåborg. The hiking trail increases the opportunity for good and wonderful recreation. The hiking trail is marked with green-white markings.
Fishing is focused on sea trout, pike, pike, perch but there are many more fish species. We assume that you as a guest with us respect the rules that apply and follow the signage that has been made and behave in such a way as one should in nature. As a fisherman, of course, both the written and unwritten rules that apply to all anglers follow.
The association was founded in 1988.
The association offers the public fishing from the mouth of the Baltic Sea to Biskopsberg, a distance of about 10 kilometers. The river has both calm flowing water and sections of rapids.
Organization number: 802600-4187
Customer number: 851, Area: 811.Vid misstänkt olovligt fiske vänligen kontakta fiskevakt eller fiskevaktsamordnare John Narvefors.
Kontakt gällande fisketillsyn: John Narvefors 076-0194990
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