Bengtsforsortens Fiskevårdsklubb

Fishing permit Bengtsforsortens Fiskevårdsklubb 

Unfortunately, we cannot offer any fishing in 2023 due to the fact that we do not receive permission to release fish in our Put & Take waters. Etc. Styrlesen
You can buy a fishing permit to Bengtsforsortens Fiskevårdsklubb at iFiske! All produkter (fishing permit) we sell are digital and a receipt is provided to you by eMail, to our app and as a SMS text message (option) . Sold by Bengtsforsortens Fiskevårdsklubb (802472-2376).
Day permit

For Light Iron, Large Iron and Hag Iron

Price: 165 kr* (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Day card with float

For Light Iron, Large Iron and Hag Iron

 For this fishing permit the use of float tube allowed!

Price: 215 kr* (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Week card

For Lysetjärn, Stortjärn and Hagtjärn

Price: 450 kr* (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Weekly card with floating ring

For Light Iron, Large Iron and Hag Iron

 For this fishing permit the use of float tube allowed!

Price: 600 kr* (SEK, Incl. VAT)

For children and adolescents ...

Unfortunately, Bengtsforsortens Fiskevårdsklubb does not currently offer free fishing for young fishermen.

Boat engine information

 Boat engines must not be used, only floating rings (belly boat).
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