Wilderness area with excellent perch and pike fishing. In the stream waters naturally rejuvenated trout.
Elevation difference 150 m from the Jämtland border to the Lövlundsån outlet.
Good water quality due to calcareous bedrock, which benefits orchids and wildlife.
Good accessibility with county roads and forest roads.
Wildlife-rich area with elk, red deer, roe deer, beaver, lynx, woodcock and birds of prey.
In addition to wind shelters and bridges, we have built three rest cabins with an outdoor terrace. Open to everyone, but may not be rented.
Two boats are available for hire for use in the area. in addition, five private boats are rented out
Cottage accommodation, hostels and camps are available in the area. Service with shops, restaurants, pub, culture in Ramsele 2 miles from Vallen.
Charging for electric cars is available in Ramsele, Lungsjön and Borgvattnet.
The following waters are within the fisheries management area (, for further information see also map):
Vallsjön, Kängsjön, Stor-Grössjön, Flärken, Gammbodtjärnen, Kroktjärnen, Lavatjärnen, Lill-Bodvattnet, Lill-Grössjön, Långtjärnen, Nedre Vallvattnet, Nordanbergstjärnen, Sandvikssjön, Skabortjärnen, Stor-Bodvattnet, Stor-Grundsjön, Stortjärnen, Väster-Terrsjön, Västvattnet .
Fishing area association formed in 1995 for the water of six villages in western Ångermanland towards the Jämtland border. Two miles of flowing water that falls 150m and flows through 14 medium-sized lakes and about ten ponds.
Aim to carry out fishery management and water management as well as provide well-being for the local population and visitors. We look after the interests of the fishing rights owners, the local population, the visitors and protect our water environment.
FISHING EQUIPMENT IN RAMSELE >>>>>>> LEFFEPIRKEN FISHING & LEISURE 073 527 38 69 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAMSELE JÄRNHANDEL 0623-10109 >>>>> OKQ8 0623-10276
Organization number: 802426-9535
Customer number: 550, Area: 510.Stefan Carlén
0738 - 39 25 35
Mattias Nordin
0702 - 06 61 73