Södra Bunns FVOF


Bunn (Södra Bunn)

  Jönköpings län / Jönköping municipality.

Södra Bunn's FCAA
Södra Bunnsjön is picturesque and easily accessible for fishing. Only 30 min from Jönköping and 15 min from Gränna.

The lake has an abundance of fish fauna, the most common being perch, pike and pike-perch. Södra Bunn has excellent spawning and rearing environments for the lake's fish species.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.

Södra Bunns FVOF

Södra Bunn's FCAA

The association's purpose is to promote the interests of water owners, which means that we want to protect the lake system, promote fishing, maintain a good environment and great variety of species as well as to make fishing licences available to the public.

Organization number: 802600-7834

Customer number: 280, Area: 241.

Contact persons

Facebook: Bunnfiske 

Anders Lindell

070-850 93 84  


Fishing areas nearby Södra Bunns FVOF

Bunn (Norra och Mellan)
Stora Nätaren

Affiliated fishing areas in Jönköpings län
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