Welcome to fish in over 30 lakes and rivers!
Flåsjön's FVOF is located north of Strömsund with the E-45. Here you will find both running and stagnant water to fish in.
Around the area there are windbreaks marked with a red dot on the area map! The map is at the bottom left as a pdf file.
Boat ramp is located in Alanäs by the quay.
ATTENTION! 24/6 2024
Due to the risk of infection from other waters, boats and equipment must be thoroughly washed and dry before launching.
Flåsjön's Fisheries Conservation Area
All income from fishing license sales goes to fisheries conservation measures.
This was done in 2023
- Ordered trout for release
- We have continued to sign to our fishing spots at our windbreaks
- We are in contact with the county board regarding a three-year project ..(LOVA) with Kvarnån Alanäset and Fånån. Playgrounds must be restored.
- We have checked the old road drums at eastern and western Harbäcken. The spawning migration upstream for the fish may be affected Svevia has been informed.
We have arranged a family day at Lomtjärn. The association offered coffee, hot dogs. and free fishing. About 60 people participated.
- Fishing from a boat is allowed in Gissmansvattnen, Kalvan, Flåsjön, Lomtjärn, Trångvattnet, Ursvattnet, Gåxsjön, Hällvattnet and Svanavattnet.
Organization number: 893202-0368
Customer number: 219, Area: 179.Fiske från båt är tillåtet i Gissmanvattnen, Kalvan, Flåsjön, Lomtjärn, Trångvattnet, Ursvattnet, Gåxsjön, Hällvattnet och Svanavattnet.
Mona B. Asservall
0702 - 04 64 10