Sörbygdens FVOF


Gimån, Konsttjärnen, Åstjärnen m fl vatten

  Jämtlands län / Bräcke municipality.

Sörbygden's fisheries conservation area is located in East Jämtland.

In Gimån , fly fishing is very popular as there is a lot of grayling in the stream!

Within the area there are two fine put- and roof lakes, Konsttjärnen and Åstjärnen .
The art lake is closed between September 1 and the first Saturday after New Year.
Åstjärnen closed between 1 October until the ice lasts.

Hemsjön is open for fishing all year round.

 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 14.

Fish species











Sörbygdens FVOF

Sörbygdens FVOF is a non-profit association that works to achieve good and pleasant fishing.

We have a nice fishing stretch in Gimån, where we try to maintain a local trout stock called boat trout. We conduct breeding fishing for hatching in the autumn and annual release of fry!

Organization number: 892600-5987

Customer number: 218, Area: 178.

Contact persons

Curt Edström:
0703 - 12 32 94


Fishing areas nearby Sörbygdens FVOF

Valmets personalstiftelse Ottersjön
Hällesjö FVO
Svedje-Västanede-Övsjö FVO
Komsta Åse FVO Gottjärn, Andalstjärn, Hökåstjärn, Skinnsjöarna mfl.
Öratjärn, Abborrtjärn, Grönvattnet m fl vatten

Affiliated fishing areas in Jämtlands län
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