Welcome to Övre Gla fvof, which includes lake Övre Gla with surrounding lakes and ponds, a total of seven. lakes and 32 st. tarn. The area is mostly located within the Glaskogen nature reserve, see www.glaskogen.se , midway between Årjäng and Arvika in western Värmland. The association was formed in 1944 and since then has carried out fishing promotion measures such as fish planting, biotope conservation work, removal of hiking obstacles, laying out rice vases etc.
Liming of the area's lakes and tarns started in the 1970s and has continued annually since then. In the lakes of the area there are perch, pike, trout, lake, eel, whitefish, whitefish, salmon trout, roach, roach, minnow, minnow, bream and spiny. Perch are mainly found in the area's pond.
The association's goal is to continue to develop fishing in a sustainable way. Income from fishing license sales is reinvested in biotope conservation work and fish promotion measures
Information about lakes
Bonefish can be found in all lakes.
Rental of boats, canoes and accommodation:
See: www.glaskogen.se
Lenunghammar's wilderness camping site with small shop and tent-caravan-camper pitches with electricity.
A cafe with simpler dishes is nearby.
Nearest urban areas:
Southwest: Årjäng 30 km
Northeast: Arvika 30 km
West: Oslo 150 km
Upper Gla FVOFs aim is to sustainably manage and develop a resource, which in the future will come in handy for people staying in our area.
Organization number: 874001-0395
Customer number: 308, Area: 270.Mats Gustafsson
070 288 22 70