Vallans skifteslags samfällighetsförening


Vallaviken (Ånnsjön), Harsjön

  Jämtlands län / Åre municipality.

Vallaviken (part of Lake Ånnsjön)

Vallaviken is located in the northernmost part of Lake Ånnsjön. Ånnsjön is a lake at the foot of the mountain world and is located in the natura 2000 area. Ånnsjön is known for its fine bird life and fantastic fishing. A lake enriched with magnificent nature and environment surrounded around it.

You can easily get to Vallaviken by car directly from the E14.
Vallaviken offers trout and char, can be caught directly from the piers at the moorings.

Parking spaces, jetties and stunning views are offered to visitors.

Harsjön is a mountain lake about 8km northwest of Ånnsjön.
A hike along the summer trail that begins at Camp Ånn will take you there.

Harsjön offers fantastic fishing for trout and especially char, both summer and winter.

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Vallans skifteslags samfällighetsförening.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species

Brown Trout




Vallans skifteslags samfällighetsförening

Vallan is a community association that was formed at the end of the 1980s.
The association manages fishing waters, roads, marinas and gravel pits.

Organization number: 716414-9721

Customer number: 1149, Area: 1110.

Contact persons

Hans Johansson
070 - 668 60 95

Anders Åsengård



Fishing areas nearby Vallans skifteslags samfällighetsförening

Klocktjärn och Svarttjärn
Västra Gevsjön, Tångböleströmmen
Enan, Handölan, Dragsån
Häggsjön, Holmtjärn, Hallåstjärn, Diggernästjärn m.fl

Affiliated fishing areas in Jämtlands län
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