Catch report Tjurken m.fl. sjöars FVOF #461221

06-30  Enrico Möbius
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Tail / Grub)
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 2 fish(es) Pike  at a total of 5.0 kg, Avg. Weight 2.50 kg.  "78cm + 63cm"
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten

Vädret denna dag, 2024-06-30

Time 01:00 05:00 08:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Spridda moln


Lite regn

Måttlig regn

Skuggande moln

Skuggande moln

Skuggande moln

Pressure1013 hPa1011 hPa1008 hPa1003 hPa1002 hPa1002 hPa1004 hPa1005 hPa
Wind Speed1.6 m/s2.3 m/s3.6 m/s5.4 m/s6.2 m/s5.1 m/s3.7 m/s3.1 m/s
Wind direction

ÖSÖ (126°)

Ö (97°)

ÖNÖ (68°)

NNÖ (31°)

NNV (359°)

N (7°)

NNV (338°)

NV (324°)
Väderdata från OpenWeatherMap

Catch reports, Tjurken m.fl. sjöars FVOF

08-10  Marcus Freihöffer
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Jerkbait / Swimbait
  "Sehr kleine Hechte "
  Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 45 fish(es) Pike  at a total of 10.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.22 kg.  "Viele kleine Hechte Einige perch Ein Zander in 61 cm"   (  No, released!)
08-15  Timo Lainer
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Sand Worm / Snail
  "9 days 15 fish from shore, 55 fish by boat. Biggest perch 37cm!! Huge "
  Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 65 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 5.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.08 kg.  "Hello guys, we were fishing with bigworm needle technique by boat. We were looking for dead trees floating in the water or huge stones looking out of the water. We caught 15x 30cm+ perch Some of them over 35cm. 30x 20cm+ and some more little perch. They "
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 1.0 kg.  "Only one little pyke from shore 55cm"   (  No, released!)
 • 1 fish(es) Common bream  at 0.3 kg.  "Little one caught on big worm "   (  No, released!)
07-07  Enrico Möbius
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 1 fish(es) Perch  at 0.5 kg.  (  No, released!)
05-25  Mateusz Malinowski
 Fishing method:Angling
 Best lure/bait:Earthworm
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 18 fish(es) Common bream  at a total of 7.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.39 kg.  (  No, released!)
09-07  Dr Gernot Seufert
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 3.0 kg.  "injured"
08-24  Jessica Bergenholtz
 Fishing method:Angling
 Best lure/bait:Earthworm
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 3 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.00 kg.  (  No, released!)
08-22  Elena Gerstenkorn
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spinner midsize (6-12 grams)
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • 7 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.3 kg, Avg. Weight 0.04 kg.  (  No, released!)
 • 13 fish(es) Pike  at a total of 1.5 kg, Avg. Weight 0.12 kg.  (  No, released!)
08-18  Kai Dunker
 Fishing method:Rowing boat trolling
 Best lure/bait:Jerkbait / Swimbait
 Tjurken, Fenen, Trehörningarna m fl vatten
 • No fish

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