Landösjöns FVOF

  • Landögssjön
  • Långan
  • Kallforsen Åkerån
  • Landögssjön over Näset

Landögssjön, Långan, Åkerån

  Jämtlands län / Krokom municipality.

Note temporary impact on fishing in Långan

The County Administrative Board is working with biotope conservation in Långan, which in the long term will hopefully lead to better fishing, but in the short term may cause some obstacles for you who fish. During v 29, 30 and 31, i.e. until 4/8, we do not want you to drive along the north side of Långan between 7-17 Monday-Thursday because it hinders truck transport there. We also want you to be aware that working later this summer may cause the water to become cloudy.

Kind regards, the board Landösjöns fvo.

Landösjön's fisheries management area includes Landögssjön and parts of Långan and Åkerån .

Landögssjön , often called Landösjön, is a large deep lake.
About 30 km long and located 6 km northwest of Östersund on the edge of the Offerdalsfjällen. Fishing in Landögssjön is known for its large char and Canadian char. Swedish sport fishing record for char in 2007 with a weight of 10,830 kg and Canadian trout in 2011 with a weight of 12,658 kg.
The other fish species, for example whitefish and pike, are also available in large format.

The area's part of Långan is 2.5 km of stream water from Djupedan down to the inlet of Åkerån. There are good stocks of trout and grayling, many of larger size.

The area's part of Åkerån applies to the southern part 15 km from Offerdal's parish boundary at Gårdstjärn down to Långan. The bottom 2.5 km only apply to the western side of the river. Åkerån is a typical wilderness stream, with good stocks of trout.

Långan and Åkerån are well suited for fly fishing and spin fishing.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species













Landösjöns FVOF

Landösjöns Fiskevårdsområdesförening was formed in 1992.

The association's purpose is to coordinate the conduct of fisheries and fisheries management, to promote the common interests of fishing right holders, taking into account the regulations that apply to the practice of fishing, and to provide fishing to locals and the public through the sale of fishing licenses.

Organization number: 893202-6068

Customer number: 3081, Area: 3084.

Contact persons

Jan Enstedt

070 - 233 62 64


Fishing areas nearby Landösjöns FVOF

Åkersjön och Åkerån
Gysens FVO

Affiliated fishing areas in Jämtlands län
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