Jämtöns fiskevårdsförening



  Norrbottens län / Luleå municipality.

We plant rainbow trout in the size 7-8 hg and 2-year-old trout on growth, you can also catch some perch. the water is a cold spring lake where there are a number of piers around the lake. in addition to this, there is protection by the water.

 This is a fishing water with planted noble fish, so-called "put and take".
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 12.
 Endast i sällskap med målsman/vuxen
 For children, they must be able to handle a casting rod or fishing rod in such a way that they themselves can reel in, drag or drill a fish

Fish species





Jämtöns fiskevårdsförening

We fish in a put and take water called Metträsket and we work for sustainable fishing. Our association was formed in 1956 and as among the first lake to be treated with rotenone at that time. We are a non-profit association where no one is compensated for the work we do.

Prohibition for boats and flotation devices applies. Only permitted with float ring fishing with a fly rod.

Organization number: 897001-4737

Customer number: 3310, Area: 3370.

Contact persons

Stefan Johansson


Fishing areas nearby Jämtöns fiskevårdsförening

Kalixälven Månsbyn
Grelsby-Bränna Skifteslag SFF GrelsbynBränna

Affiliated fishing areas in Norrbottens län
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