Virserums sportfiskeklubb

  • Satisfied fisherman
  • Bridge
  • catches
  • Big Fish


  Kalmar län / Hultsfred municipality.

Rainbow salmon between 0.7 kg and about 4 kg is available all year long, just before and after our competition "Superbow", 6-8 kg fish can be found. It is released, depending on the catch statistics, continuously in new rainbows throughout the season. Therefore, it is important that all catches are registered in the dock at the lake.

Other Lysegöl!
- Good parking facilities
- BBQ area available
- Nice bridges and fishing spots

How do I find it?
Lysegöl is located just next to road 23 about 5 km south of Virserum. Road signs and parking are available.

 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

Fish species

Rainbow trout


Virserums sportfiskeklubb

Logo Virserums sportfiskeklubb

Organization number: 833200-8385

Customer number: 1016, Area: 975.

Contact persons

Om ni har några frågor om fisket eller om ni vill kontakta oss i Virserums SFK så finns det flera sätt att göra det på:
1. Skriv din fråga på vår facebooksida Gilla gärna sidan också så får du kontinuerliga uppdateringar i ditt flöde.

2. Maila på

3. Gå in på vår hemsida, 


Fishing areas nearby Virserums sportfiskeklubb

Skärveteån, Narrveteån
Välens FVOF
Flaten, Bysjön, Melsjön, Yttre Vrången mfl
Emån, Järnsjön, Oppsjön m fl sjöar

Affiliated fishing areas in Kalmar län
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