Värmlands Karpförening

  • Elsie
  • Forstjärn


  Värmlands län / Forshaga municipality.

***Important INFO***

We are afraid of our fish. If you have fished in another water before Forstjärn, it is required that the equipment that is in contact with water has been properly sun-dried or disinfected before fishing begins in order not to risk the spread of possible diseases. Disinfectant Virkon S can be bought, for example, from the neighboring farm, follow the instructions carefully.

Forstjärn is located in Deje, Forshaga municipality and is about 6 hectares in size. The maximum depth is around 4 meters and the bottom mainly consists of softer sediment. It is a varied lake with different types of vegetation such as reeds, nate, water lilies, cavedun and reeds. In addition, there is plenty of shrubbery and overhanging trees in the shore zone that offer shelter and shelter for the lake's carp. 6 different swims to fish from.
In 2012, roughly 40 mirror and mountain carp from Aneboda were released into the lake, which showed good growth during later test fishing. The largest have been from 7 to 10 kg kilo and with a new lake record of 11.6 kg in 2022.

2016 We stocked up with another 22 carp, the majority of which were fine mirror carp between 2-5 kg from Aneboda.

In 2021, another 11 beautiful Aneboda mirrors between 4-6 kilos have been allowed to swim out into the lake, the future is bright!

 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species









Värmlands Karpförening

VKF works actively to create and develop sport fishing for carp in Värmland, above all we work hard to find new lakes that we, in cooperation with fishing right holders, can plant carp in and thus create future interesting fishing waters. If you have fishing rights in a lake or know of a body of water that would be suitable for development into a fishing lake, please contact us. We take care of everything from the application for stocking permit, as well as the collection and stocking of carp and finally help with the sale of fishing licenses and any improvement measures at the waters.

Organization number: 802467-0377

Customer number: 369, Area: 330.

Contact persons

Pierre Wellander
0763 - 11 82 32


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Invasiva arter information

Fishing areas nearby Värmlands Karpförening

Klarälven, Dejeforsen
Syrsjön-Torptjärns fvof
Klarälven (Torp-Forshaga)
Forshaga Fiskevårdskrets

Affiliated fishing areas in Värmlands län
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