With 11,218 km², Kalmar County is located on the eastern side of Småland towards the Baltic Sea. In the western parts you can see the deep trolls forests with the infinite number of lakes known as Småland, while on the eastern side you will see a very beautiful beach bed, genuine coastal communities and cultivated landscapes. The fishing opportunities are great in Kalmar, where you can discover the exciting sea fishing, fish fine pike and perch, but also try out the very exciting Put & Take fishing (Eagle and Rainbow). As Kalmar, Emån also flows a watercourse that is very famous for its fine salmon and sea trout fishing.
• 3 fish(es) Perch at a total of 1.6 kg, Avg. Weight 0.54 kg. "Der Fluss ist voll mit Krebsen, alle Fische waren voll mit Krebsen gefressen.Kleine Persche zurück gesetzt. Einen großen Hecht nicht mitgenommen "
• 9 fish(es) Common bream at a total of 0.1 kg, Avg. Weight 0.01 kg. at a total of 15.0 cm, Average length 1.67 cm. "Different species today. Over 50% were released and that is estimated length to weight. Meet now 14-year-olds who are sitting on the bottom of the forest. Färna with Chicken Liver? Hmm, no liver" ( No, released!)
• 1 fish(es) Perch at 0.2 kg and 35 cm. "Mixed on newly bought Buster jerks (they have redone them since 2005..) dissatisfied with the newly produced ones thrown on jigs on the light rod slowly bottom slurping triggers them. Greetings "
"Nice nice Morning Plenty of Fish " Högsby FVOF Emåns Nedre
• 25 fish(es) Roach at a total of 0.1 kg, Avg. Weight 0.00 kg. at a total of 15.0 cm, Average length 0.60 cm. "Was down to test fish newly purchased equipment rod/reel/swing tips and they work like a dream after service! Many bait fish and some food fish. Bombed quantities of fish on the heavier swing tip, but the fun went home just after lunch due to Stekande "
Here you will find Guides and Instructors operating in the swedish area of Högsby kommun. Many of these guides also work as freelance guides in other parts of the country and the world.