Found 308 results that matched your search. Show on map.

Varpsjö FVO

Varpsjö FVO

The area offers stream fishing for trout and grayling in the upper part of Stamsjöån. Skidsjön's fine waters offer fishing for trout and fine perch. In Utgrävartjärn there is a certain stock of char and perch. Baksjön and Sörsjön, which are connected to the village of Varpsjö, offer fishing …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Roach  Burbot 

Saxån Braåns FVO

Saxån Braåns

Fishing in Saxån with outflow in Lundåkrabukten flow variation according to SMHI coastal station Barsebäck which then is tidal influence of approximately 6 .5 hour cycles in addition to the highly varying flow and can occasionally be poor visibility depth. Best fishing 1 hour after flow change outgoing current …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Roach  Sea trout  Ide 
 Carp  Eel  Common bleak  European flounder 

Lygnernregionens FVOF


Lake Lygnern is located in Northern Halland and Marks Municipality. The lake is 20 km long and approximately 2 .5 km wide, and at its deepest point, it measures 50 meters. In many aspects, the lake resembles Lake Vättern with its deep water, steep shores, and unpredictable behavior in …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Common bream 
 Salmon  Roach  Asp  Ide 
 Whitefish  Common rudd  Tench  Eel 
 Silver Bream  Smelt  Ruffe 

Södra Sämsjöns FVOF

Södra Sämsjön

Södra Sämsjön är en lång och vacker sjö. Den sträcker sig mellan Månstad i söder och Vegby i norr. Sjöns botten varierar mellan grunda bevuxna bottnar till djupa partier där 28 meter är djupast. En av de djupaste sjöarna i Sjuhäradsbygden. Sjön erbjuder ett varierat och spännande fiske. Sjön …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Roach  Burbot  Whitefish 
 Common rudd  Tench  Common bleak  Vendace 

Bellvik-Rörströms FVOF

Bellvik, Rörström

Welcome to fishing in our scenic area ! The area stretches along Rörströmsälven, starting with Bellvikssjön, which is in Västerbotten county, continuing in Jämtland county with Rörströmssjön and down to Sund, approx. 25km. In addition to fishing in the lake system, we also offer put-and-take fishing in Rojkatjärn with …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Common bream  Roach  Ide 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Common bleak  Ruffe 

Nedre Långans FVOF

Nedre Långans FVOF

Nedre Långan is a typical wilderness water with varying rapids and calmer sections - about 30 km of fishing experiences to discover down to the outlet of the Indalsälven. The area is classified as valuable of national interest. In the forests around Långan there is one of the world's …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Roach  Brook trout  Whitefish  Crucian carp 
 Crayfish  European bullhead 

Sjöatorpasjön och Moasjöns FVOF

Sjöatorpasjön och Moasjön

Sjöatorpasjön and Moasjön are part of the Mörrumsån water system. Moasjön flows into Sjöatorpasjön, which flows into Lake Salen through Skaddeån. Several streams flow into the two lakes, the largest inflow comes from Lake Älganäsasjön. The lakes are relatively poor in nutrients and the surroundings are dominated by coniferous …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Tench  Eel  Signal crayfish 

Svansjöns Fiskevårdsområdesförening (Jönköping)

Svansjön samt tillhörande Tokebosjön

The association's fishing waters make up an area of a total of 110 ha, of which Swan Lake is 91 ha and Lake Tokebos is 19 ha. Fish species found in the lake include Pike, Braxen, Perch and Roach. The lake is shallow with an average depth of 2 …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Burbot  Tench  Ruffe 

Bertejaure Gård


Lake Bertejaure and how to go there. Lake Bertejaure is situated 10 kilometres east of the Mountain Village of Ammarnäs. You can walk the Georges Road to the area or you can book a Fishing Experience at the Bertejaure Farm. Please observe that cars are not allowed at the …
 Brown Trout  Char 

Östergötlands Sportfiskeguidning

Hunn, Erstorpesjön, Frogetorpesjön m fl vatten

During 2023, Sveaskog AB, Östergötland's Sportfiskeguidning and some of the private water owners and some sponsors made a release of solitary zander in Lake Hunn - the plan is that these plantings initially to be made recurring over a 3-year period - During these 3 years there is a …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Whitefish  Crucian carp 
 Common rudd  Tench  Signal crayfish  Common bleak 

Mörrumsåns FVO Ebbemåla-Åmma

Mörrumsåns FVO Ebbemåla-Åmma

2024 Salmon Fishing premiere March 16 Welcome ! Our fishing waters include 3 .5 kilometers of Mörrumsån in Blekinge, just south of the Småland border. The river flows through a magnificent natural and cultural land with nature reserves both in the north and in the south. The area offers …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Common bream  Salmon  Roach  Chub 
 Sea trout  Ide  Eel 

Floda-Björbo FVOF


Området bjuder på ett varierande fiske i både strömmande och stilla vatten. För att ytterligare information om området, besök hemsidan http://flodafiske .se/. …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Char  Common bream  Roach 
 Brook trout  Ide  Burbot  Whitefish 
 Crucian carp  Tench  Vimba  Eel 
 Signal crayfish  Common bleak  European bullhead  Ruffe 
 Vendace  Common dace 

Jormvattnets FVOF

Jormsjön m fl vatten

Jormvattnet's FVO has a notorious char and trout fishing, summer and winter. The following waters are available within the fisheries management area: Jormsjön, Myrskalstjärn, Holmtjärn, Långplutten, Hästskotjärn, Hästplutten, Kvarntjärn, Långtjärn, Södra Partjärn, Mörttjärn, Raudek and Silesjaure . New for this year is Lill Väktarn, where fishing from a boat …
 Brown Trout  Char 

Karlsborgsortens fiske och fiskevårdsförening


Important information ! Temporary dietary recommendation for the consumption of fish from the southern Bothnian Sea. In consultation with the Swedish Food Agency and the County Administrative Board in Västra Götaland, the Environmental Board has drawn up a temporary dietary recommendation for the consumption of fish caught in the southern …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Common bream  Roach  Chub 
 Burbot  Common rudd  Tench  Eel 
 Signal crayfish  Silver Bream  Common bleak  Smelt 
 Ruffe  Vendace 

Välens FVOF

Välens FVOF

THE FVO OF THE WELL Välen is a clear water lake with an area of 266 hectares, with a maximum depth of 18 meters - the average depth is 4 meters. The lake also has several islands and inlets. The lake, which is located just northwest of Fagerhult, houses …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Roach 
 Tench  Vimba  Eel  Signal crayfish 
 Common bleak 
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